Did you know DNA can help with warfarin dosing?
Genetic changes in four genes influence the efficacy of warfarin
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Genetic changes in four genes influence the efficacy of warfarin
The ups and downs of cystic fibrosis – Living with a life-threatening genetic condition
Jewish diseases are inherited disorders that affect a much higher percentage of people of Ashkenazi Jewish descent
Fragile X syndrome: A case for prenatal and carrier testing
Beta thalassemia is a blood disorder characterized by the reduced production of hemoglobin
Alpha thalassemia is a blood disorder characterized by the reduced production of hemoglobin
Multiple genetic changes can increase your risk of high cholesterol
Physical activity is key to healthy living, but too much of it might not be a good thing for individuals with certain genetic changes
Genetic changes in four genes influence the efficacy of warfarin
The ups and downs of cystic fibrosis – Living with a life-threatening genetic condition
Jewish diseases are inherited disorders that affect a much higher percentage of people of Ashkenazi Jewish descent
Fragile X syndrome: A case for prenatal and carrier testing
Beta thalassemia is a blood disorder characterized by the reduced production of hemoglobin
Alpha thalassemia is a blood disorder characterized by the reduced production of hemoglobin
Multiple genetic changes can increase your risk of high cholesterol
Physical activity is key to healthy living, but too much of it might not be a good thing for individuals with certain genetic changes
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